Adaptive Cursor Sharing - Friend or Foe?


By Jaromir D.B. Nemec


Let's recapitulate our story thus far.

Bind variables solved the problem of extensive parsing of similar SQL statements but introduced a new problem with selectivity estimation.

Bind Variable Peeking solved the problem with selectivity estimation but introduced a new problem with (inappropriate) cursor sharing.

Adaptive Cursor Sharing was introduced to finally solve all the problems?


Adaptive Cursor Sharing


Let's set  up a typical skew table as a playground - see Listing 1

The values stored in the column status of our test table T_ADAPT are shown in the following table.



---------------------- ----------------------

1                      10                    

2                      110                   

3                      2000110  



Let's start the discussion with querying the table with a bind variable leading to a full table scan (status = 3). After two executions which are executed using FTS we switch the bind variable to a value that should lead to index range scan (status=1). The autotrace option is activated to observe the used execution plans of the queries - see Listing 2.


What is shown in Listing 2 is somewhat confusing.  All execution plans reported by autotrace are identical and use full table scan.

The first hint that something is wrong with the execution plan shown is the elapsed time of the statements – the first three statement are finished in more than 3 seconds, the next two in less than one second.

The final proof that the execution plan changed is provided by the view V$SQL. It shows two cursors: one with FTS, the second one with index range scan. (Remember the script flushed  shared pool before the start).

The simples explanation is that the autotrace simple miss to select the right child cursor after the activation of the adaptive cursor sharing – this is probably causing by the fact, that autotrace uses a second session to report the statistics.

This leads us to the…


Lesson 1 of adaptive cursor sharing: Don't auto(matically) trust the autotrace!



In the next step we repeat the same statements but we will use the dbms_xplan.display_cursor to observe the execution plan  - see Listing 3. The parameters null,null show reliable the plan of the last cursor executed by the current session.


As expected the fourth and fifth statement in Listing 3 was performed with the execution plan using index range scan. The third execution should still used the previous plan with FTS. But under the cover prepared the switch to the new cursor.  


Additional information is provided in the V$SQL_CS family of the fixed views; which is shon at the end of the script.


In the view  v$sql_cs_selectivity we see the selectivity of the predicate of 0.000005 (for cursor number 1). This correspond exactly the selectivity of 10/ 2000110.


In the view v$sql_cs_statistics are the monitored samples of the executions; the total execution count of two is a bit less then the actual number of executions. The  note [1] explains that only sample of execution is monitored. So at least we see that two different sets of bind variables were used so far.

The v$sql_cs_histogram shows the exact count of 5 executions; three in child_number zero and two in child_number one. The exact mapping of the bind variable values to bucket is not self explanatory for me.


So far, so good! This is a typical result of a presentation of adaptive cursor sharing as a new feature.

Let's move our attention to a PL/SQL implementation of the same access pattern.


The script ac_plsql.sql  repeats the very exact statements only using PL/SQL.


SQL> declare

  2   v_num_var number;

  3   v_ret number;

  4  begin

  5  -- set variable leading to full table scan

  6    v_num_var := 3;

  7    select /*+ AC_test3 */ count(vpad) into v_ret from t_adapt where status = v_num_var;

  8  -- repeat FTS

  9    select /*+ AC_test3 */ count(vpad) into v_ret from t_adapt where status = v_num_var;

 10  -- now swith the variable to the plan with index range scan

 11    v_num_var := 1;

 12    select /*+ AC_test3 */ count(vpad) into v_ret from t_adapt where status = v_num_var;

 13  -- and repeat

 14    select /*+ AC_test3 */ count(vpad) into v_ret from t_adapt where status = v_num_var;

 15    select /*+ AC_test3 */ count(vpad) into v_ret from t_adapt where status = v_num_var;

 16  end;

 17  /


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


The results are shown in Listing 4 - no surprise here; the same behaviour can be observed as in the previous case – three execution with FTS plan and two execution via index range scan.

But wait - this is not the typical PL/SQL coding – the more common usage pattern is to use a LOOP statement to repeatedly execute the same statement.


SQL> declare

  2   v_num_var number;

  3   v_ret number;

  4  begin

  5  -- set variable leading to full table scan

  6    v_num_var := 3;

  7  --

  8    for i in 1..5 loop

  9  select /*+ AC_test3 */ count(vpad) into v_ret from t_adapt where status = v_num_var;

 10  -- after 2nd run swith to index

 11  if i>=3 then

 12      v_num_var := 1;

 13  end if;

 14    end loop;

 15  end;

 16  /


PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


Listing  5 shows the result of this run. Contrary to the previous run - no adaptive cursors sharing was activated.  The V$SQL view shows only one cursor with all five executions.

The v$sql_cs_histogram view correctly shows total 5 execution in two different BV value bucktes, but it was apparently not enough to deploy the adaptive  cursor sharing.


Lets give Oracle a second chance and repeat out test case with a little more processing in a loop (say one five hundred execution in a loop instead of five so far).


OK, after several cups of coffee  (and a bottle of a beer - Elapsed: 00:48:49.09)  the script finished only to see in Listing 6 that nothing was changed - no adaptive cursor sharing happens - the same sub optimal plan is used again and again in the loop.


The last resort that can be tried is to invalidate the cursor to force a re-parse of the statement.

We will use DBMS_STATS to simulate invalidate the cursor.




     ownname => USER,

     tabname => 'T_ADAPT',

     estimate_percent => 100,

     method_opt => 'FOR COLUMNS SIZE 254 STATUS',

     no_invalidate => false





So we re-run the script from Listing 6 and after few second we run from other session the gather_table_stats procedure to invalidate the cursor.

This works fine, the statements immediately switches to the index range scan and the loop is instantly finished. The results are shown in the Listing 7.

So if get in such situation that a improper plan is used for a statement in a PL/SQL loop and we are lucky the wrong cursor will be invalidated and the new parse resolves the problem.

Ironically well dimensioned shared pool with no invalidation will conserve the wrong plan.


And above all our workaround to get the plan switch has nothing to do with adaptive cursor sharing. If we kick out the cursor from the shared pool it must be hard parsed on the next execution.


This leads us to the..


Lesson 2 - similar to the BV peeking the adaptive cursor sharing could fire at an unpredictable occasion.




Let’s finally check what can be expected while accessing the database using the JDBC connection.

We set up a script in Groovy - see [2] to quickly script a JDBC code.

The JDBC drive used has version


Similar to the PL/SQL processing we prepare the JDBC statement once (using prepareStatement) and repeatedly execute it with different bind variable values.

The relevant part of the script is shown below.


  def stmt = con.prepareStatement('select /*+ AC_test2 */ count(vpad) cnt from t_adapt where status = ?') 


   stmt.setInt(1,3)    // full scan

   boolean isQuery = stmt.executeQuery()

   if (isQuery) {

    def rs = stmt.getResultSet()



     println "cnt = ${rs.getInt(1)}"





   stmt.setInt(1,3)    // full scan

   isQuery = stmt.executeQuery()

   if (isQuery) {

    def rs = stmt.getResultSet()



      // println "cnt = ${rs.getInt(1)}"




  100.times {       // repeat

   stmt.setInt(1,1)    // index range

   isQuery = stmt.executeQuery()

   if (isQuery) {

    def rs = stmt.getResultSet()



     // println "cnt = ${rs.getInt(1)}"






The Listing 8 shows the very same behaviour as for PL/SQL loop.

In V$SQL is only one cursor after the execution.

This minas there was no recovery from the bad execution plan within the re-use of the prepared statement.


Lets recapitulate it as…


Lesson 3 - the unpredictable behaviour of adaptive cursor sharing is observed in JDBC as well



Final Lesson


Except for the trivial case in the SQL example (see Listing 3) the adaptive cursor sharing did not deliver the expected  behaviour*). Is this a bad news?

Not really, a final lesson could be formulated as follows:  do not use bind variables in statements that would switch the execution plans for different bind values! This would make the adaptive cursor sharing unnecessary.


*) Take this statement with care - this statement is valid only for the Oracle version referenced above, only the statements used in the example and for the particular data used.  Any generalisation is at your own risk!



[1] Metalink notes 740052.1; 836256.1

[2] programming language Groovy






It was  naïve from me to expect that autotrace will show the real execution plan. Apparently autotrace uses EXPLAIN PLAN commend to generate the execution plan; so not only adaptive cursor sharing but even a BV peek can lead to a wrong display.

Let’s demonstrate this with a script similar to the one in Listing 2. The only difference is that the values for bind variables are switched; it means we start with a statement leading to index range scan and expect that the plan should switch to a FTS - see Listing 9.

Even the execution plan of the first statement – where for sure no adaptive cursor sharing took place – is wrong and identical with the one generated with the EXPLAIN PLAN statement.

This means that the Lesson 1 – though correct – has nothing to do with adaptive cursor sharing.


Thanks Christian Antognini for pointing me to this behaviour.


Last revision 8.8.2012

Jaromir D.B. Nemec is a freelancer specializing in data warehouse and integration solutions. He can be reached at

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